Vote Yes on Measure 97

HiFi Farms is proud to announce our official endorsement on Measure 97.

Oregon families deserve good schools and affordable health care. We have the 4th lowest high school graduation rate in the nation; nearly 400,000 Oregonians lack health coverage; and more and more seniors are retiring into poverty. Our schools and services are suffering because large corporations like Comcast, Monsanto, and Bank of America pay lower taxes here than anywhere else in the country.

Measure 97 is a simple tax measure that imposes a 2.5% corporate tax for the largest corporations doing business in Oregon — C Corporations with more than $25 million in Oregon sales — and applies those funds to early childhood learning, schools, and elder care.

Hifi Farms believes deeply in corporate responsibility and creating a more just economy here in Oregon. Please join us in supporting 

A Better Oregon

— a coalition of parents, teachers, health care workers, business owners, and community leaders who have come together to fight for the schools and services Oregon needs — to

Vote Yes on Measure 97

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